Friday, 5 December 2014

It's go ON, not gone!!!

Sometimes you need to be all alone… all alone to stand for yourself, all alone to enjoy a great movie, all alone to cheer yourself up, all alone to get everything moving and that is, my friend, your inner strength. God has given each one of us the power to face circumstances, whatever they may be. It depends on us as to whether we identify this supremacy within our selves or not.

No one could get any idea of what I am talking about just by reading the above frame of words. To put it in clear words, we should never give up on any difficult situation just by saying, “I can’t do it”. Instead let the world know that you can and no one else could, but you can!

Even if the world sucks, there are hopes around. Find the beauty within yourselves, in the glitters of lights, in the twinkling of stars, in the smile of a poor, in the letters of a holy book, in the lap of your mom, in the ring you wear, in the eyes of your pet. There are many things which hurt you deep inside but there are more which amazes you, makes you happy. Life is all about those ones.

Live in the moment. Make a travel list. Plan a trip. Listen to happy songs. Cry when you see everything wrong. Feel god near you. Shout, yell, and get the damn hell out of your system.

Stop worrying over the past, and deciding the future.... seize the day!!!