Thursday, 16 April 2015

You & me were no more 'we'

And there came a time when I was standing alone on the road, bidding you goodbye,
with hopes as ravishing as life,
with smile as broad as sun's reach,
with blush as red as a rose,
with memories as alive as a playful kid,
the holding hand, the love gestures, the winks, the you, the me, the we.

Not everything works out- not you, not me, not we!
Distance grew, hearts cried, tears came alive,
broken we were!
And there came a time when I was standing alone on the road,

with no smiles, no blush but ample of memories- of you, of me, of we!


She woke up in the morning with wet eyes. People say if you see a nightmare of your dad’s death, he is going to live more. She believed that too. But lost him the next day.
Yesterday night, she saw her mom dying…